Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Hard Times The Torah Path will Guide us Through all Tests

Written by Rabbi Daniel Yaakov Travis

(based on a derasha from

HaGaon Rav Moshe Sternbuch shlita,

Ravad of Yerushalayim

Leil Shabbos)

Living in Tranquility

"Yaakov wanted to live in tranquility, yet he was immediately afflicted with the apparent death of Yosef. When Tzadikim want to live in peace in this world, the Almighty responds 'Is the tranquility I have prepared for them in the next world not sufficient? They want to enjoy this world as well!" (Rashi 37,2).

Rashi's comment begs the question: Why is it so terrible if tzadikim want tranquility in this world? After all, peace of mind will further enhance their Divine service. Why did the desire for a tranquil life cause such harsh consequences for Yaakov Avinu?

The Avos laid the foundation for the character of the Jewish people for all subsequent generations. Avraham Avinu created chesed, while Yitzchak pioneered din and mesiras nefesh. What was Yaakov's role in shaping the Jewish people?

Yaakov Avinu suffered greatly throughout his life. He was driven away from home by Esav, he was nearly killed by Eliphaz, he spent 20 years living with the wicked Lavan, his daughter Dina was abducted, his wife Rachel died young, and his son Yosef was presumed dead. Yet Yaakov remained the pillar of truth and Torah and he was always steadfast in his learning, despite all of his agonizing tribulations.

For this reason, when Yaakov Avinu asked for a peaceful life, the Almighty responded that it was impossible to grant his request. Yaakov had to pave the way for learning Torah despite the great suffering and adversity that the Jewish people would face in all of the coming generations. This was Yaakov Avinu's unique task in this world. By overcoming this challenge, he earned himself and all of his descendants a special place in the World to Come.

Someone who suffers in this world can expect tranquility in the next. The Vilna Gaon once told his talmidim about the excruciating torments that a person may endure in the next world. One of his students took this terrifying shiur to heart and passed out.

When he came to, the Gaon told this talmid that the shiur need not frighten him. He had suffered greatly in this world, and would not receive such harsh treatment in the next. Each of his tribulations would detract greatly from any punishment that was due to him after leaving this world.

For the Sake of Heaven

Yaakov Avinu's son Yosef Hatzadik also endured many tribulations during his lifetime. After being sold by his brothers into slavery, he was harassed day and night by Potiphar’s wife, who wanted him to act immorally with her. She threatened him with all types of physical harm if he did not agree.

Chazal tell us that Potiphar's wife was acting l'shem shamayim. She knew that she would have descendants from Yosef and was willing to do anything in her power to actualize that vision. Unbeknownst to her, these children would be from her daughter and not her.

The words of Chazal teach us a valuable lesson. We must be very wary of good intentions, for if misguided they can cause a person to do a lot of damage, such as by embarrassing others or causing them financial loss. Sometimes the intention of l'shem shamayim can be a recipe for disaster, if not strictly bound by halacha.

The Torah writes that Eshes Potiphar wanted Yosef to lie with her, and Chazal explain that this means in the next world. Yosef understood that if he gave in to his desires he would suffer greatly in the next world. In Heaven, they would repeatedly show him the vision of how he had transgressed while he was alive.

The technological advances of the past century have brought many kinds of media into existence. All of these technologies can show or inform us about the past and the present in a way that was inconceivable in past times. What is their deeper significance?

The Chofetz Chaim explained that in the past Jews had emunah that the Almighty knows and sees everything, and that every one of our actions is recorded. As the generations got weaker in their faith, they need a more tangible metaphor for this spiritual reality. Media which capture and record sounds and images, to be replayed at a later time, are here to illustrate what it means that all our deeds are being recorded and that we will see them again when we reach the next world.

Rather than being distracted by the flashing lights and technological wizardry of these devices, we should view them as a message from Above. This is the lesson of Yosef Hatzadik: Never lose sight of the fact that the price for your actions must be paid sooner or later.

Kiruv by Example

"Yaakov lived in the land that his father had inhabited (megurei aviv)" (Bereishis 37,1).

The Medrash explains that the words megurei aviv (literally the dwelling place of his father) are a hint to the fact that Yaakov's father Yitzchak was able to influence many gerim to join the Jewish people (megurei refering to gerim converts). We know that Avraham, whose primary mida was kindness, brought many people close to the Almighty through his warm, giving nature. How did Yitzchak, whose main attribute was din and Divine justice, accomplish this?

Yitzchak Avinu did not go out and try to influence the masses like his father did. He spent most of his time in isolation, deeply consumed with his Divine service. Yet his righteousness and integrity shone so brightly that anyone who met him immediately perceived that his ways were the right path in life. The very sight of his countenance was enough to influence many people to adopt the Torah’s way.

Our Sages ask: how does one sanctify the Almighty's name? When a ben Torah is honest in his dealings and deals cordially with others, this elicits the response: "Happy are the parents who taught him Torah! Happy is the rav who taught him Torah!"

While speaking to the Almighty, Avraham asked "if there are ten tzadikim in the midst of the city, will You save it?" The Chofetz Chaim explains that the words "in the midst of the city" refer to people who have a positive influence on their place of residence. However, if the upright citizens keep to themselves, their merit will not be sufficient to save the city from destruction.

Even though Yitzchak was not actively involved with gerus and kiruv, he had a huge indirect impact which brought many people into the fold. Rav Shternbuch's Rosh Yeshiva, Rav Moshe Shneider would tell his talmidim "A Jew who walks in the streets of London with a kipa and tzitzis and acts with derech eretz influences everyone around him." This was the way of Yitzchak Avinu.

Noach was a tzadik but he did not influence others around him to follow his lead. On the other hand, Avraham and Yitzchak, each in their own way, had a major impact on their surroundings. Because of their actions, many people came to recognize the greatness of the Almighty's ways. We should learn from the Avos and do whatever we can to bring Jews closer to Torah. This is a great source of protection for ourselves and the entire Jewish people.

(HaRav Shternbuch's shiurim on the parsha are being prepared to be published as a sefer. For information about dedication opportunities contact

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